Friday, April 8, 2011

The Record Player Through Time

By Christine Lawson

Nowadays we have DVDs, CDs, MP3s, and of course the world wide web for all of our music needs. However, none of these would have been possible without the advent of the record player, one of the more important pieces of musical equipment in the history of the world. It was so pioneering that following its invention in 1877, it took almost 100 years for it to be replaced by new technologies. And still today, record players have a vintage musical feel that makes them quite popular with music aficionados worldwide. Nowadays, anytime one thinks of the record player, it is often the Technics or the Crosley Record Players that comes to mind. Though over a hundred years ago, the name which was of most importance was Thomas Edison.

Back in 1877, Edison developed what he referred to as the phonograph. His first records had been produced on tinfoil. These records had a spiral groove which went up and down the surface. A hand-cranked machine with a pin, or stylus, was utilized to read the grooves vibrating according to the texture. This was eventually called the hill-and-dale method. The vibrations would run up the needle, along a metal tubing, all the way to a big speaker. The speakers transformed the vibrations into much more audible sounds.

When Edison finished his invention, he was more interested in its various scientific applications as opposed to its musical potential. This left further upgrades to other inventors and scientists.

10 years later, Emile Berliner developed the disk record, and had it patented in 1896. Berliner's design and style was based on Edison's, but instead of utilizing the hill-and-dale method, where the grooves went up and down, his method, named the varying lateral direction method, had textures on the sides of the grooves. The varying later direction (VLD) became popular instantly, and very soon Edison's original hill-and-dale method was left behind.

Soon, mass production of records became possible when Emile Berliner invented the matrix record. This master copy allowed for duplicate records to be pressed indefinitely. At this point, record players were still powered by the hand crank. But with the late nineteenth century came the nationwide use of electricity. Then soon after the electronic record player was announced. Contrary to the hand-turned players that can fluctuate in speed in accordance with the strength of the operator, electronic players offered consistent speed. This resulted in absolutely no variation in the music's tempo.

Gradually, record players became so well liked that whole households gathered around them to take pleasure in quality entertainment. Early methods of the prior-song and skip-song functions of today's Mp3 players were introduced around this time. In order to choose which song was to be played, a person placed the needle in one of the blank grooves in between the textured ones. For many years, the record player was a favorite possession of music fans everywhere.

With the advent of the seventies came cassette-tape decks and 8-track players, and soon, records and record players seemed to be phasing out. However, when DJs became all the rage in night clubs and discos, the turntable remained strong.

No matter what technology throws at us, fans of music will always appreciate the record player!

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